At #HTF2022, there was a panel discussion featuring Jan Poleszczuk from CliniNote and his fellow panellists Jacob Guy DiemarNadine van Dongen, and Chad Franklin. These experts shared insights on ways our current workflow can be reframed for better efficiency and lower costs.

Click here to see video:

CliniNote was at the Med-Tech World Meet-up at the Google CSG headquarters in London 🚀 represented by Robert Lugowski 👼

Click here for more:

As part of the event accompanying the Economic Forum of the Three Seas Congress in Lublin, we had the pleasure of sharing knowledge and experience from the international expansion of CliniNote.
We are glad that our region supports startups and has noticed the success of CliniNote. One of our values is #givingback and remembering who supported us from the first days 🙂

Read more:

At #ImpactCEE CliniNote, represented by Robert, took part in discussion trying to answer the following topics:

Interested how technology is changing healthcare?
Why #EuropeanHealthDataSpace is important to drive #DataDrivenMedicine?
Does #ArtificialIntelligence in medicine have a chance to develop in Poland?
How startups like CliniNote innovate healthcare data processes?

Click here for more:

🎙Our CEO Rafal Szmuc, during the conference "E-health perspectives - Data in the health care ecosystem", presented how to work effectively with clinical data to create a base for analysis and development of artificial intelligence.

Click here for more info:

CliniNote had a great pleasure to present its grounbreaking solution during The Life Science Open Space, which is an event for scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs, doctors, brokers, investors, and officials – who share a commitment and drive for cooperation in solving problems, facing challenges and developing innovations for the health and quality of life.

Webpage of the event:

🎙Our CEO Rafal Szmuc spoke during recent EIT Health #investors discussion about #DigitalHealth investments.
📍He emphasized that the creation of an infrastructure for the effective acquisition and exchange of #clinicaldata is the foundation for further development of #innovations in medicine, not only in the area of #ML or #AI, which is obvious, but also for the development of medicines or changing the business models of #healthcare #providers#payers and #bigpharma .
📍#ValueBasedHealthcare models require a good understanding of the diagnostic process and the therapy itself, yet this knowledge is embedded in the #clinicaldata. Today, most of this type of data is text, very difficult to use, but we are working to change this quickly.
📍Projects such as #DarwinEU by European Medicines Agency are already aiming at acquiring #RWD on a large scale for this purpose.

Click here for more:

We are thrilled to announce that our CEO Rafal Szmuc is pitching today at the #EuropeanAngelInvestmentSummit.

Click here for more: