Exciting news! We’ve been featured in @Sifted’s ranking, which lists the 20 most
promising early-stage cancer tech startups to watch across Europe.🤩
Oncology is a very competitive field — we are thrilled to be selected!
Thank you to @Sifted and @Debiopharm for the recognition.

Read about us here.

Jan Poleszczuk, PhD - CTO of CliniNote and Ligia Kornowska, MD - Managing Director of Polish Hospital Federation in talk with Paweł Luty L!Talks on AI in healthcare and how much smartness of AI is driven by Real-World Data. Hear it to understand where we are and what is the future.

Why we need an AI in medicine and healthcare? What kind of challanges doctors, patients, AI developers, scientists are facing? The need of Real-World Data to educate the AI. How to change the way the real data standardized and normalized are collected.

Thank you @Paweł Luty for hosting and leading this great discussion.

the podcast in Polish on spotify and LinkedIn

#ai #realworlddata #phf #pfsz #clininote #healthcare #precisionmedicine  #spotify #podcast

2022-02-17 - our CTO Jan Poleszczuk participated in the debate during the Data Sovereingty conference. The #MedTech: Data processing in healthcare panel was devoted to the issues of regulation and technology in the service of the #eHealth medical industry. The main conclusion is that enabling secure access and use of data is the main condition for further development. On the part of CliniNote - in addition to access, we must have good quality data and ensure their interoperability.
Thank you for the invitation Natalia Świrska & OVHcloud and discussion dr Maciej Kawecki 🎯Mikolaj Gurdala (EIT Health), Katarzyna Kolasa, PhD (Dr hab)(Parexel), Ligia Kornowska, MD (Polska Federacja Szpitali) i Radovan Kratky (Axway).

#digitalhealth #healthcareinnovation #healthcaredata #realworlddata

See full post here

27th January CliniNote CEO Rafal Szmuc participated in Warsaw Health Innovation Hub workshop on the certification of electronic applications in healthcare. The challenge is to keep pace of the digitzation in healthcare industry while maintaining high quality, safety and standardization of applications, software and hardware used.

Thank you for great discussion Agencja Badań MedycznychCentrum e-ZdrowiaAdamed PharmaIQVIAMicrosoftVAMED and great lead of Bartosz Borucki from Smarter Diagnostics

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